Zora is a platform that enables aspiring students access affordable loans and other services so they can have the education of their dream. It digitizes the manual process of applying for loans and acts as a digital intermediary and broker between borrowers and lenders.


My Roles
Brand design, wireframing, visual design, UI design, prototyping, copywriting

Duration                   Year
4 weeks                     2022

Tools used
T H E  P R O B L E M​​​​​​​
It is known that the education system in Nigeria is nothing to write abroad about. Constant and long strikes, shabby and outdated curriculums, poor infrastructure, as well as safety issues are some of the problems that plague the education sector in the country. And as such, many passionate and talented students are beginning to look beyond the shores of the country at saner climes for their education.
The problem, however, is that studying overseas can be very expensive for many Nigerians.

Aspiring students do not know how to get funding for their dreams or how to get affordable ones that won't be too heavy on them.

The traditional process for applying for loans can also be incredibly manual and tasking with drawn-out background checks.

A software company based in Lagos Nigeria has partnered with institutions and corporate organizations to offer affordable and flexible loans to students, parents (and sponsors), and employees and digitize the loan application process.
T H E  G O A L
Design a simple platform that digitizes the process of applying for a loan. Users should be able to check their eligibility before applying and see loan offers based on their eligibility.
A P P R O A C H​​​​​​​
I was a lone designer on this project. The project was broken into two two-week sprints. Each sprint focused on a module and began with interviewing internal stakeholders as well as loan providers to understand the manual processes, key success metrics, and required loan documents with the goal to digitize and simplify the process.
I then proceeded to create a user and task flow that demonstrate how users would navigate the platform and perform tasks.
D E S I G N ​​​​​​​
I proceeded to prepare interactive wireframes which we did alpha and beta tests for with internal stakeholders and 10 users and made iterations on, and then I created high-fidelity mockups after the wireframes were approved. All of the tests were carried out on Figma since we worked remotely with rounds of reviews and comments from stakeholders.
Landing page design
Sign up and login screens
Home and eligibility
Loan application
Beyond technology, business, and profit, solving a noble problem for humanity is something I greatly enjoy. This project brought me face-to-face with longstanding challenges peculiar to Africa. I am happy to be designing for a project that makes the dreams of the average African come true just as mine did. 

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